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Legal and privacy statement


Data firm:

Company name:
Make Up Plaza Limited Liability Company
Short company name: Make Up Plaza Ltd.
Country: Hungary
International seat: Hungary, 1111 city: Budapest, Bartók Béla út 28/B. IV/1.
Postal address: Hungary, ZIP: 1111 city: Budapest, Bartók Béla út 28/B. IV/1.
Tax number: 32655025-2-43
VAT number (EU tax): HU232655025
Number trade register: 01-09-435679
European Unique Identifier (EUID): HUOCCSZ.01-09-435679
Registry court, office document: Registry Court of Budapest
Copy of the register:  B-56 (2010.)
Number statistics: 32655025-4791-113-01
E-mail address: info@makeuplaza.hu  (language: hungarian, serbian, english, italian, croatian)
Homepage: www.makeuplaza.com
Phone number: 00 36 20 94 66 118 (language: hungarian, italian, english)
Personal contact: Mrs. Orsolya Vancsó-Gombik

Data of Bank:

Name of Bank:
K&H Bank
Address of Bank: H-1054 Budapest, Akademia street 6.
Charge account of Make Up Plaza Ltd. : 10400872-50527166-80511007

Charge account international of Make Up Plaza Ltd. (IBAN): HU30-10400872-50527166-80511007



Name of bank: K&H Bank
Address of Bank: 1117 Budapest, Október huszonharmadika street.8-10.
Account number of Make Up Plaza Ltd.: 10400872-50527166-80511007


HUNGARY (wire transfer in hungarian forint HUF):
Account number of Make Up Plaza Ltd.: 10400872-50527166-80511007
Account number of Make Up Plaza Ltd.  (IBAN): HU30-1040-0872-5052-7166-8051-1007


Language of the present General Terms of Agreement: Hungarian
Legislation to be applied in case of the agreement: Hungarian law 

All the paragraphs of the Legal and Data Protection Statement, the Terms of Purchase and Terms of Delivery and Payment are part of the General Agreement Terms.

In case if you wish to buy anything in our webshop or if you intend to be an active user, please read our General Terms of Agreement carefully (hereinafter referred to as: GTA) and you should resort to using our services only if you agree with all the terms and conditions stated therein and if you regard them as binding.

The present document will not be filed, cannot be retraced later on, it is only concluded electronically and it does not refer to any kind of code of ethics. All the contents of each paragraph are an integral and inseparable part of the GTA that you should read carefully before using the webshop and/or purchasing anything. 

The agreement is concluded between the Buyer and the Seller electronically. By registering on our customer website you accept all the terms and conditions contained in the General Terms of Agreement as binding.

Makeup Plaza Webshop distributes professional make-up products. You can learn more about our products by clicking on the About usoption.

Make Up Plaza Ltd. will deliver orders from the webshop anywhere in Hungary where the Hungarian Post normally delivers consignments. Products can only be ordered from our webshop electronically, with delivery.

In our webshop orders can only be made electronically, through the internet, at the following site: www.makeuplaza.com. We cannot accept orders through the phone, by e-mail or post.

The purchase price indicated beside the products includes value added tax which amounts to 27% (hereinafter referred to as VAT). The delivery fee has to be paid separately which you can learn about under the Terms of Delivery and Payment option (except for the possibility of free delivery). You do not have to pay for the packaging separately (except for cases when the customer asks for ornamental packaging). The delivery of the package is an indirect service.

If you would like to register in Make Up Plaza the registration and providing the data is free and voluntary. You can modify and delete your data in writing or through the telephone at any time.

By making an order and registering at the makeuplaza.com website and webshop the Buyer/User consents to accept and acknowledge all the terms and conditions, statements, terms concerning purchases and delivery contained in the regulations and the General Terms of Agreement, moreover, agrees with all the terms of the website and all the paragraphs of the statement and considers them as binding.

Making an order cannot be considered as an agreement, it can be modified and waived freely and without consequences until performance. The contract comes into effect when taking over the product. You can delete and modify your order at any time preceding the posting of the package, electronically in e-mail or on the phone.

The order made by the customer comes into force after we have confirmed it by sending an e-mail from the info@makeuplaza.hu e-mail address. We will confirm the order within 24 hours at the latest and list the ordered products and their prices, haulage costs and the expected date and time of posting. Make Up Plaza Ltd. and makeuplaza.com do not take any liability for unreal e-mails or e-mails that do not work, and consequently for delayed or failed delivery or any kind of damage resulting from the above.

Subject of the contract concluded between the Parties:
The contractual relation is established between the Parties when the product is purchased and paid for. The subject of the contract may refer to all the priced products on stock that can be ordered from Make Up Plaza Ltd.’s makeuplaza.com internet webshop. The products that are being uploaded to the webshop and products that are not available shall not be subject of the contract. Product information is specified next to the available products that can be ordered. The purchase price specified beside the items contains value added tax which amounts to 25% (hereinafter referred to as VAT). In case of products where a price of HUF "0" (zero) is indicated, are not available for the time being, thus shall not be subject of the contract.

We reserve the right to reject orders that have already been confirmed, partly or entirely. Performance in part can only take place after agreement with the customer. In case if the customer paid for the product in advance, we undertake to cover the costs of returning the entire amount to the Customer.

Please read the following documens carefully
Legal and Data Protection Statement,
- Terms of Purchase,
- Terms of Delivery and Payment
options which are integral and inseparable part of the GTA.

You can ask questions arising in connection with the functioning of the webshop, its order and delivery processes and product information by contacting us at the contact details specified on our webpage
(Contact option).


The internet pages and the entire webpage of makeuplaza.com is protected by intellectual property. The preliminary consent of Make Up Plaza Ltd. is required to use texts, parts of text and the pictures and photo material that are the property of www.makeuplaza.com. Legal protection and intellectual property rights concern the downloading of pages, using the pages in other media and webpages. The entire contents or parts of it published on the webpage can only be used for commercial or any other purposes if we gave our preliminary consent to it.

Makeuplaza.com’s own pictures and press pictures can be published but in this case the logo, name, contact details of Makeup Plaza and the text saying „All rights reserved” (in a font size defined in advance) have to be clearly indicated. In addition, the requesting party shall inform Make Up Plaza Ltd. in writing („Contact” option) concerning the place and date of publication. Use of this nature is free of charge.

Makeuplaza.com does not consider all the pictures, graphics, sound recordings and videos as its own except for cases when the material is obviously part of its intellectual property. In this case Make Up Plaza Ltd. is entitled to have exclusive intellectual property rights. It is forbidden to reproduce or use such graphics, sound recordings and videos or any other texts published in any other electronic or printed media without our preliminary consent. The intellectual property belongs to the respective owner(s) of visual contents, which we indicated. In case if you are the owner of the intellectual property of a picture or photo and you do not want it to appear on the website of makeuplaza.com, please contact us in writing or phone and we will remove the contents as soon as possible.


Your data management registration number: NAIH-84678/2015.

We inform you that changes came into force according to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) approved by the European Union. These changes have a mandatory effect as of May 25, 2018. They serve the even wider protection of the personal data of our users. We will continue to ensure the safe and lawful controlling of your personal data in line with the new regulation.

This information document is the Data Controlling Information Document of Make Up Plaza Ltd. You may find within this document what data of yours on the basis of what and for what purpose we control, and it contains information for you concerning the rights you have in connection with your controlled data.

on the controlling of personal data

Make Up Plaza (hereinafter referred to as: Make Up Plaza Ltd.), as data controller informs through this information document its users and those, who wish to register themselves on this website, moreover, the other persons involved, about the information that refers to the controlling of their personal information, based on the General Data Protection Regulation of the European Union (hereinafter referred to as: GDPR) and ct CXII of year 2011 on information self-determination and the freedom of information (hereinafter referred to as: Privacy Act).

I. General information on data controlling
1. The purpose of data controlling:
Make Up Plaza Ltd. will use the personal data of the users only in connection with their specific purchases.
You have to separately subscribe to our newsletter, and subscription to the newsletter is not a prerequisite of purchasing in our webstore.

We will store your data for an undefined duration or until its deleting is requested in the interest of proving later on the performance of the contract and the conditions of the contract.

Make Up Plaza Ltd. will manage your personal data confidentially, as the Data Manager. It will not hand them over to any third party, except to the Data Processors. We will hand over the data needed for transport to the transporting partners that are needed for performing the order, and we will also hand them over to the software operator, as well as upon the request of the authorities. We collect and process the data exclusively for  Make Up Plaza Ltd. for the purpose of performing the business task of the company, with observing the provisions of the legal provisions that refer to the protection and management of personal data.


subscribing to the newsletter is free of charge and voluntary. By subscribing you give your consent to the department stores operated by Make Up Plaza Ltd. to send you newsletters with the purpose of providing information and advertising. We will not hand over your data to any third party. If you would like to receive information regularly about the current offers and novelties of Make Up Plaza Ltd., please subscribe to our newsletter. You may cancel your subscription at any time, with the aid of the subscription cancelling link that is included in the newsletter and you may request the cancellation of your subscription through a letter or over phone as well.

Make Up Plaza Ltd. will use the personal data only in connection with the specific purchase.
You have to subscribe to the newsletter separately and subscription is not a prerequisite of making a purchase in the department store.

Data Manager: HERE

Data of the data processors:

Name: LIW Intermedia Kft. (it)
Address: 8000 Székesfehérvár, Tobak utca 10.
Phone: +36 22 315 027
E-mail: info@liw.hu

Name: Magyar Posta Zrt. (suppliers)
Address: 1138 Budapest, Dunavirág utca 2-6.
Phone: +36 06 40 46 46 46 vagy +36 06 1 767 8282
E-mail: ugyfelszolgalat@posta.hu

Name: Sprinter Futárszolgálat Ltd. (suppliers)
Address: 1725 Budapest, Pf. 117.
Phone: +36 1 803 6300
E-mail: pickpackpont@sprinter.hu

Name: GLS Hungary (suppliers)
Address: 2351 Alsónémedi, Európa utca 2.
Phone: +36 1 802 0265
E-mail: info@gls-hungary.com

Name: NKSZ Adó Kft. (bookkeeping)
Cím: 1145 Budapest, Korong u. 15. alagsor 1.
Telefon: 06/1-217-7283

Name: KBOSS.hu Ltd. / szamlazz.hu (invoice)
Address: 1031 Budapest, Záhony utca 7/D
E-mail: info@szamlazz.hu

Purpose of data management and the stored data
_________________________________________________________________________________________Our servers do log certain information automatically. Our servers automatically log the IP addresses of our users, the operation systems and the type of the browser programs that are used by them and some additional information. We use this information exclusively in their summarised and processed form in the interest of correcting the possible defects and improving the qualities of our services, as well as for statistical purposes.

The stored data:

In the course of the ordering process the following data are stored: User Name, Name, Email Address, Phone Number, Invoicing Data, Delivery Data, and as regards the Newsletter the Email Address and the User Name.

The User may ask to be informed about the management of its personal data, at any time. Upon the request of the User,. the Data Manger will provide information on the data managed, on the purpose of the data management, its legal basis, its duration, about the name of the data processor, its address (its registered seat) and its activity that is connected to data management, moreover about who has received or who will receive the data and for what purpose. The related information has to be provided within the shortest time possible after the submission of the request, however, within day 30 in writing at the latest. The request has to be sent to the email address of the client service of the Data Manager.

Rights and right enforcement options
Right enforcement at the court

In case the rights of the User connected to the protection of its personal data are violated, the user may turn to the court against the Data Manager.

Inspection by the Hungarian National Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information (NAIH)

Based on Section 52 of the Info Act, anybody may turn to NAIH, if according to its opinion the violation of the law occurred or threatens to occur in connection with the management of its personal data, except if a court procedure is in process in connection with the given issue. Nobody may have any disadvantage due to its report submitted to NAIH. The same protection is due to the reporting party that is due to a party that reports an issue of public interest. It is possible to submit a brief to NAIH free of charge and without any formal restriction. The website of NAIH is available at the following address: www.naih.hu.

Persons, whose data are involved in data controlling
It covers all the registered users and newsletter subscribers. In addition to this group of persons involved, data controlling covers the personal data of those persons as well, who establish contact with Make Up Plaza Ltd., who ask information (concerning the data they have given, over phone and/or in e-mail), and those persons, who wish to register, who apply for a tender or a game (data subjects).

Legal base of data controlling
Data controlling is done in line with GDPR, based on the contract that is concluded between the registering members and Make Up Plaza Ltd., that is, data controlling refers to the personal data that are given at the time of registration and/or at the time of subscription to the newsletter on the legal base of „data controlling needed for performing the contract”. Data controlling needed for the performance of the contract, as a legal base, is created when the order submitted is confirmed or when the subscription to the newsletter is performed.

Legislative bases of data controlling implemented by Make Up Plaza Ltd..
- GDPR: Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data
- Regulation of the European Parliament: on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data
- Privacy Act: Act CXII of year 2011 on Informational Self-Determination and Freedom of Information.
The purpose of the Act is to define the essential rules referring to the controlling of the data in order to ensure that the data controllers will respect the private sphere of natural persons (and to realise the transparency of public matters by enforcing the right that is connected to getting acquainted with and distributing the data of public interest and data that are public due to public interest.
- Consumer Protection Act: Act CLV of year 1997 on consumer protection. This Act ensures the protection of the interests of consumers – especially that are connected to safe goods and services, to the protection of asset interests, to appropriate information and education, to efficient legal remedy, and to consumer interest representation through social organisations.
- Business Advertising Act: Act XLVIII of year 2008 on the essential conditions and specific restrictions of business advertising activities.
The Parliament issued this Act mentioned here for the protection of the health of the citizens, thus especially of the health of the underage persons, to restrict the impacts that influence negatively the regime of the society, and in the interest of protecting the interests of companies that observe the requirements of business fairness in the interest of sustaining market competition that serves economic efficiency and societal well-being, with acknowledging the significance of the practice of professional self-regulation and strengthening the controlling of the observation of the behavioural codices that were established in the framework of self-regulation for this purpose.

Duration of data controlling
Undefined, data controlling is effective until withdrawal or until deleting is requested.

Method of data controlling
Data are not disclosed to third parties. Data are disclosed exclusively to the data processors.

Data forwarding

Range and purpose of data controlling
- Surname, forename (identification, transport)
- User name (identification)
- Gender (male/female) – giving this data is not mandatory (statistics)
- Year of birth – giving this data is not mandatory (statistics)
- Active, functioning email address (identification for logging in, sending the package code, contact keeping)
- Delivery address (name, postal code, country, settlement, name of public area, house number, floor) (transport)
- Invoicing address (name, postal code, country, settlement, name of public area, house number, floor) (invoicing)
- Phone number (mobile, ground-line) (contact keeping)
- Giving the country (transport)
- Password (identification for logging in)
- Subscription to the newsletter (free of charge, voluntary) (contact keeping, provision of information)
- Leaving messages, other requests, questions (for giving responses) (contact keeping)

Controlling the data of natural persons applying for a job
Data controller makes it possible for the data subjects to apply for job tenders that are announced by it, in the manner that is defined in the advertisement or without a job tender, by submitting an application to it. The group of data subjects: any natural person, who submits an application to the Data Controller for getting a job.

The range and purpose of the data controlled:
- Surname, first name (identification)
- Place and time of birth (identification)
- Job applied for (for identifying the application)
- Special data (e.g. indication of sickness, addiction), special data will be controlled only if it is necessary for evaluating the application for the job
- Name of previous workplace and the period spent there (the work experience is needed for evaluating the application for the job)
- Experiences (the work experience is needed for evaluating the application for the job)
- Education (education is needed for evaluating the application for the job)
- Language knowledge and its degree (necessary for evaluating the application for the job)
- Other data of the curriculum vita (curriculum vitae needed for evaluating the application for the job and its data that are relevant from the aspect of the job)
- Motivation letter (motivation letter needed for evaluating the application for the job)
- Indicating consent to the controlling of the data sent for 1 year after the application, provided the data subject will not be engaged (storage with curriculum vitae), it is necessary for the legal base of controlling the data in the case of not being selected
- Time (needed for determining admission eligibility)
- The purpose of data controlling: application for getting a job, and contact keeping.
- Duration of data controlling: until the target is achieved or based on the consent of the data subject for 1 year after application or until the deletion request of the data subject will be submitted meanwhile.
- Data are not communicated towards any third party.
- Method of data controlling: electronically and/or on paper, manually.

Controlling data concerning promotions, tenders, actions and winning games
Make Up Plaza Ltd. makes it possible for the data subjects to participate in tenders, winning games, actions and promotions that are announced by Make Up Plaza Ltd. and who give their personal data for this purpose, based on the related rules. The rules referring to the current tenders, winning games, actions and promotions, as well as the documents that have to be filled in for participation are available on the website of Make Up Plaza Ltd. (www.makeuplaza.hu). Participation is based on voluntary consent.
- The purpose of controlling the data: identification of the data subjects in the course of drawing the lots and/or evaluation, and contact keeping.
- Range of data subjects: all those natural persons, who indicate their wish to participate in winning games, actions and tenders organised by the Data Controller by giving their data.

Range and purpose of data controlled:
- name (identification)
- user name (identification)
- password (identification for logging in)
- phone number (contact keeping)
- e-mail address (identification, contact keeping)
- delivery address (for delivery)

Data are not communicated towards any third party.
Duration of data controlling: in respect of identification and contract keeping data until the lapsing of the enforceability of rights and obligations arising from the legal relationship in connection with which the Data Controller controls the personal data, in respect of data that are introduced into book keeping supporting certificates. The duration of data controlling is at least 8 years based on Section 169 (2) of Act C of year 2000.
Method of data controlling: electronically and/or on paper, manually. The data subjects may withdraw their consents at any time, without any restrictions and free of charge.

The activities and processes involved in controlling the data are the following:
- The data subject – in line with the rules of the winning game – may apply for the winning game by giving his/her data.
- The data controller records the data either electronically and/or on paper in line with the rules of the winning game and it carries out the drawing lots and/or the evaluation.
- Data controller notifies the winners at their given access data, in line with the rules.
- The data controller, in line with the rules of the given game, according to the announced tender, may make accessible the names of the winners through the website and or the surface of community media to other data subjects and third persons. Therefore, it draws the attention of the data subjects to decide and declare their participation in the winning games and/or tenders in the knowledge of this.
- The data subject, in harmony with the purpose of controlling the data, voluntarily gives his/her consent to Data Controller contacting him/her through his/her given access data, for informing him/her if the winning game and/or tender becomes impossible by any chance, or for defining more accurately the way the prize may be picked up, for answering his/her possible complaint, or for taking other steps in connection with his/her complaint.


The following rights are due to the users in connection with the controlling of data. The users are entitled:
- to receive information from Make Up Plaza Ltd. about the controlling of their personal data (right to being informed)
- to have access to their personal data (right to having access)
- to ask the correction of their personal data (right to having their data corrected)
- to have their data deleted, forgotten (the right to deleting and being forgotten)
- to ask the restriction of the controlling of their data (right to restrictions)
- to exercise their right to data portability (right to data portability)
- to express their objection to data controlling (objection against data controlling)
- to object against automatic decision making,
- in case the user assumes that his/her rights were violated, to contact the competent supervisory authority or the competent court for legal remedy (possibility of legal remedy)

Right to being informed:
Make Up Plaza Ltd. - in the interest of ensuring that the data subjects are informed about the controlling of their personal data at all times - makes available its effective Data Controlling Information Document on its www.makeuplaza.hu website. Make Up Plaza Ltd. in the course of registration and subscription to the newsletter (games, tenders) on each occasion, whenever it records data concerning the data subjects informs the data subjects that the currently effective Data Controlling Information Document is available at the website of Make Up Plaza Ltd. You may get information about the purpose, legal base, duration of controlling the data, and if data forwarding takes place, about the fact of its occurrence, the name, accessibility of the organisation towards which the data are forwarded, the fact of data processing, the rights of the data subject and the legal remedy options prior to the controlling of the data. The data subject may request written information at any time about data controlling that involves him/her, that is, about the following
- what data of the data subject are controlled by Make Up Plaza Ltd. (the range of data controlled),
- where did Make Up Plaza Ltd. obtain his/her data (the sources of the data),
- for what purpose BMake Up Plaza Ltd. controls his/her data (the purpose of data controlling),
- the base on which Make Up Plaza Ltd. may control his/her data (the legal base of controlling the data),
- from when and until when Make Up Plaza Ltd. will control his/her data (the duration of controlling the data),
- whether Make Up Plaza Ltd. engages a data processor for controlling the data,
- If it does, whom (the data processor’s name), its accessibility data (the data processor’s address, what the data processor does with the data (what is the activity that is connected to data controlling),
- may anyone have access to or did anyone do anything with his/her data unlawfully (information on the circumstances of the data protection incident), and if yes, what impact it had; what Make Up Plaza Ltd. did in the interest of avoiding the incident,
- whether Make Up Plaza Ltd. forwarded to anybody the data of the user, and if yes: what entitled Make Up Plaza Ltd. to do so (what the legal base of data forwarding was); to whom it forwarded the data (who the addressee of the data forwarding was).

Make Up Plaza Ltd. will provide the information within 30 days after the submission of related request in a clearly understandable form, in writing. In specific cases that are defined in certain laws, Make Up Plaza Ltd.has to refuse providing information based on the provisions of law.

The provision of information is free of charge, provided the information requesting party did not submit an information or request concerning the same range of data in the given year yet. In other cases, a cost refunding may be defined, the extent of which is 1000.00 HUF/information provided. The already paid cost refunding has to be repaid, in case unlawful controlling of the data is proven or if the requesting of information lead to correction.

Right to having access
The data subjects are entitled to get feedback from the data controller on whether the controlling of their data is in process or not, and if data controlling if this type is in process, they are entitled to ask access to the personal data and to the following information:
- the purposes of data controlling,
- the categories of personal data involved,
- the addressees of data controlling to whom they communicated or they will communicate the personal data,
- the duration of data storage,
- if the data were not collected from the user, registering party, subscriber, then all the information that refer to the sources of the data. In this case data controller will make available to the user the copy of the personal data that are the objects of data controlling. If the user submitted his/her request electronically, all the information concerning the controlling of data shall be made available to him/her electronically. The users may get information after registration on the website of Make Up Plaza Ltd. (www.makeuplaza.hu) about the personal data that are registered about them by Make Up Plaza Ltd. Make Up Plaza Ltd. operates a phone-based client service (+36 20 94 66 118), where the data subjects after identifying themselves may get answers from the operators for their questions or they may report issues.

Right to the correction (modification) of data
The data subjects may request the modification of their data, if they are not up-to-date or wrong or they have changed compared to what was given on the already submitted order sheet. The users have to indicate on the order sheet their current data belonging to the current order when submitting it. The user is liable for the consequences that will arise from the user failing to perform his/her data changing reporting obligation. The user will edit his/her own data himself/herself after registering on the website of Make Up Plaza Ltd. under menu item My Profile/Data Modification.

Right to have the data deleted (right to be forgotten)
The users are entitled to have the data controller delete the personal data that refer to them without any unjustified delay upon their request. The data controller is obliged to delete the personal data referring to the data subjects without any unjustified delay, if any of the following reasons exist:
- the personal data are not needed any more for the purpose they were collected or controlled in any other manner,
- the user withdraws his/her consent that represented the basis of data controlling, and controlling the data has no other legal basis,
- the user objects against the controlling of the data, and there is no lawful reason enjoying priority for controlling the data,
- they managed the personal data unlawfully,
- the personal data have to be deleted for performing the legal obligation that is stipulated in respect of the data controller.

The data subjects may request the deleting of their personal data, if any of the reasons exist from the above listed ones, which means that Make Up Plaza Ltd. cannot control any more already the data the deleting of which was requested.

Note: Make Up Plaza Ltd. cannot delete any data, the controlling of which is stipulated by the legislation, by a law, or which are necessary for performing the contract. Make Up Plaza Ltd. is obliged to retain these data with taking into consideration the periods that are stipulated by the law, and only after the expiry of these periods it is possible to delete them.

Right to the restriction of data controlling
The users are entitled to have the data controller restrict the controlling of the data, if any of the following is met:
- the users question the accuracy of their personal data, in this case the restriction refers to the period, during which the data controller can check the accuracy of the personal data;
- the controlling of the data is unlawful, and the data subjects object against the deleting of the data, and instead of this they ask the restriction of their utilisation;
- the data controller already does not need the personal data for the purpose of data controlling, but the data subjects request the retention of the data by them for presenting, enforcing or protecting their legal demands, or
- the data subjects object against the controlling of the data, in this case the restriction refers to the period while it is not established that the lawful interests of the data controller enjoy priority compared to the lawful interests of the users. If controlling the data is restricted, the personal data involved, with the exception of storage, may be controlled only with either the consent of the data subjects or for presenting, enforcing or protecting the legal claims, or in the interest of protecting the rights of other natural or legal persons, or due to an important public interest of either the EU or any of the member states. The data controller shall inform those users in advance, upon whose request the controlling of the data was restricted about the termination of the restriction on controlling the data.

Right to data portability
Users are entitled to receive in a broken down, widely used, machine readable format those personal data referring to them, which they made available to a data controller, and they are also entitled to forward these data to another data controller, without that data controller to whom the personal data were made available hindering this, if:
- the controlling of the data is based on the voluntary and express consent of the user, or on a contract. The right of natural persons to the portability of data may not have a negative impact on the rights and freedoms of others. The data subjects when exercising their right to data portability are entitled to ask – provided it is feasible technically – the direct forwarding of the personal data between the data controllers.

Right to object
Users may object against the controlling of their personal data,
- if the controlling or forwarding of the personal data is needed for the enforcement of the justified interests of the data controller, data accepting party or a third person, except in the case of mandatory data controlling;
- if using or forwarding the personal data is done directly for winning a business, for public opinion research or scientific research.

Make Up Plaza Ltd. will investigate the objection within the shortest period possible after the submission of the request, but at the latest within 30 days, and it will issue a decision concerning the issue declaring whether the objection is well-founded or not, and it will inform the data subject about its decision in writing. In this case the data controller may not control the personal data any more, except if data controller proves that the controlling of the data are justified by such justified interests of mandatory force, which enjoy priority compared to the interests, rights and freedoms of the data subject or which are connected to the presentation, enforcement or protection of legal claims.

Automatic decision making
Make Up Plaza Ltd. does not apply any fully automatic decision making.

Right to legal remedy
Users are entitled to submit complaints to the Make Up Plaza Ltd.  or to the Supervisory Authority. In the case of data controlling related complaints the authority exercising supervision is the NAIH (Nemzeti Adatvédelmi és Információszabadság Hatóság –Hungarian National Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information).


Restriction of the data controlling related rights of the data subject
If the controlling of some personal data is stipulated by a legal provision or law, these legal measures applicable in respect of the data controller or data processor may restrict the effect of the rights and obligations of the involved users connected to data controlling and defined in the Points of “The rights and the remedy options of the users” of this Data Controlling Information Document, provided the restriction observes the substantial content of the essential rights and freedoms, and provided the related measures are needed for implementing and proportional to the following in a democratic society:
- prevention, investigating, exploring of criminal acts or conducting an accusation procedure or implementing criminal law sanctions, including protection against hazards that threaten public safety and the prevention of these hazards;
- exploring these and conducting the related procedures;
- protection of the user or the protection of the rights and freedoms of others;
- enforcement of civil law claims.


If misuse is suspected in connection with the controlling of the data of the users or they have to endure an aggrievance or this is assumed, then the users are entitled to submit a data protection report to Make Up Plaza Ltd.at any of its contact point either verbally or in writing. It is possible to submit reports, requests, complaints, incident reports to Make Up Plaza Ltd. in connection with the controlling of the data:
- through phone, in e-mail, on paper in writing through a letter submitted to the client service of Make Up Plaza Ltd. (Make Up Plaza Ltd. 1111 Budapest, Velencei-tó, Bartók Béla út 28/B. IV/1., phone: 20/9466118, e-mail: info@makeuplaza.hu). It is not possible to submit any complaints personally. In the case of these reports and requests a worksheet has to be submitted if needed or - provided they are classified as complaints and it is stipulated by the rules – minutes have to be submitted. The request, or complaint will be forwarded for the purpose of being investigated to the data protection officer of Make Up Plaza Ltd. after the processing of the data protection related report.

Make Up Plaza Ltd. will notify the reporting party in the case of a complaint within 5 working days about the fact that the deadline for giving a response is 30 calendar days, and the fact that in case within this period no response will arrive to the reporting party, it may turn for the remediation of its aggrievance concerning the judgement of the demand included in the data protection claim to NAIH (Hungarian National Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information) (Section 52 (1) of the Privacy Act).

Make Up Plaza Ltd. shall refund the damages caused to others by its unlawful data controlling activities or by its violating the requirements of data security. Make Up Plaza Ltd.t, as the data controller is also liable towards the data subject for the damages that are caused by the data processor. Data controller is exempted from its liability, provided it proves that the damage was caused by an unavoidable reason that is outside the control of data controller. It does not have to refund the damage, if it was caused by the intentional or negligent or seriously negligent conduct of the damaged party.

The fact that controlling the data corresponds to the contents of the legislation have to be proven by the data controller. If the rights of the users are violated, you may turn either to Make Up Plaza Ltd. or to NAIH. Each data subject is entitled to legal remedy by court, if the competent supervisory authority (NAIH) does not inform the data subjects within 3 months about the procedural developments or the result concerning their complaints.


Name: Nemzeti Adatvédelmi és Információszabadság Hatóság (NAIH)
Post address: 1530 Budapest, Pf. 5
Address: 1125 Budapest, Szilágyi Erzsébet fasor 22/c
Phone: +36 (1) 391-1400
Fax: +36 (1) 391-1410
E-mail: ugyfelszolgalat@naih.hu
URL http://www.naih.hu

Effective date
Make Up Plaza Ltd. publishes this Data Controlling Information Document on its website (www.makeuplaza.hu). Make Up Plaza Ltd. may unilaterally modify this data controlling information document. The currently effective information document is available at the website of Make Up Plaza Ltd. Make Up Plaza Ltd. will inform the data subjects about the modification of the information document through its website.

Date: Budapest, May 24, 2018
Effect: Starting with the day of May 25, 2018


Name: LIW Intermedia Kft.
Address: 8000 Székesfehérvár, Tobak utca 10.
Phone: +36 22 315 027
E-mail: info@liw.hu


Registering on our website has a significance if you order anything from our webshop.
You can order from Make Up Plaza with registration or without registration also.

Providing data is voluntary and free of charge. You can delete, modify and correct your personal data free of charge at any time with the help of your registration name and password or requesting it on the phone, in a letter or electronically. In this case you should contact us in e-mail or on the phone (during working hours). We will do our best to perform these requests as soon as possible.

Registration, modification and deletion
Registration on the webpage of Makeup Plaza is free. The condition of the registration is to provide precise, complete and up to date information on the registration sheet and to accept the terms of purchase and delivery and the GTA. You need to provide a valid e-mail address and a password. It is your responsibility to keep your password private and to ensure the confidentiality of the login information. Following registration our system is going to send an activating e-mail to your e-mail account. Later on, with the help of your login name and password you can modify your personal data at any time. You can request the deletion and/or modification of your registration by sending us an e-mail at any time. Modification or deletion of the registration is free.

It is forbidden to create false accounts and profiles. In case of doubts Make Up Plaza Ltd., the operator of makeuplaza.com is entitled to confirm personal data, in order to certify the lawfulness of name use. Makeup Plaza reserves itself the right to delete or suspend unlawful registrations at any time without prior notice.

ATTENTION! In case if you fail to activate the link within 1 month following registration, our system will automatically delete your registration, thus, you will have to repeat it if you wish to register at our website.

Faulty registration
In case if you provided faulty information when completing the required data and/or if you did not entirely complete the compulsory fields and for this reason our system did not manage to register you, the operator of makeuplaza.com, Make Up Plaza Ltd. does not take any liability for the damages resulting from the User’s fault and the technical problems emerging during this process.


Make Up Plaza Ltd.does not intend to ask for personal data from persons younger than 14 years of age. In case if a person younger than 14 registered personal data in our system, the consent of the child’s parent or guardian is required. In case if the parent or guardian did not consent to providing the child’s personal data, he or she can request the deletion of these pieces of information according to the process described in the previous paragraph. Of course, in this case the data sent to us will be deleted from our system as soon as possible. When registering we do not request any written forms concerning the consent of the parent/guardian.


Make Up Plaza Ltd., the operator of makeuplaza.com webshop does not take any kind of responsibility for the damages due to loss of data, software restoration, downtime or any other damage due to failed production or working hours encountered by the Customer or outstanding profits and losses. The User/Customer acknowledges that he or she has to ensure proper use and protection of his/her computer and the data stored on it. The operator of makeuplaza.com webshop does not take any liability for any kind of outer, direct or indirect faults, special or potential consequences, losses, with special regard to damages due to breakdowns, delayed information transfer or viruses or system faults, including cases when Make Up Plaza Ltd. was informed of such potential damages, losses or costs. We do not take any responsibility for faults – print or technical – that do not belong to our direct liabilities.

We are not in a position to assume liability for late parcel dispatches and deliveries caused by server shutdowns and for administration related and actual delays that are due to the failure of the transporter.

Make Up Plaza Ltd. does not assume any liability for complaints that may arise due to the Customer’s lack of knowledge as regards the use of the computers and programmes.


By using the webpage or service it is your full responsibility to decide if the information provided conforms to your demands or sensibility. The author does not take any financial or intellectual responsibility for the use of data published on the website.

The operator of makeuplaza.com tries to provide the most precise information possible to the User concerning the priced products available at its websites. Technical problems might arise during the introduction of non-priced products with zero HUF price, thus these pieces of information are informative, shall not be considered as an offer. We reserve the right to modify them at any time.

The descriptions available beside the products available in the webshop can differ from the descriptions provided by the manufacturer. The photos next to the products are only symbolic, the real packaging and appearance of the products may be different. The packaging/description of the products available on our stock may differ from that of the manufacturers since the manufacturers often change these parts of their products, thus we reserve the right to have different packaging/description in case of the products on our stock than those published by the manufacturers. Make Up Plaza Ltd. does not take any responsibility for any changes in product descriptions due to modifications applied by suppliers, manufacturers or changes taking place for any reason and without prior notice.

We do our best to publish the real colour of the products which are available on our website. However, since the appearance of the colours might change due to special features of the monitor and individual settings, we cannot guarantee that the colour of the delivered products will be exactly the same as the colour of the products seen on the webpage. We cannot accept any kind of complaints concerning colours. We are not in a position to accept complaints concerning colours, nevertheless, even in this case the product may be replaced or its price may be used for purchasing other products or you may exercise your right to cancel the purchase. However, the costs of returning the product has to be borne by the Customer in the case of a colour related compliant.

We draw you kind attention to the fact that the name of the product does not always correspond to the colour of the product. We recommend you to select the product based on the colour of the product, and please do not rely on the name of the product. (E.g.: a bright red lipstick’s name may be “Black Jack”. This does not necessarily mean that the lipstick is black. This is only an invented name.)

We tried to provide all kinds of sizes as precisely as possible.

Purchase price:
The prices indicated beside the products is a gross retail purchase price that already contains the value added tax (27%). We reserve the right to change our prices and stock. Products with "0" (zero) price value are not available.


You are free to browse our web store and webpage without revealing your orders, registrations or entity, so you can get acquainted with our webpage, look into our products and prices. In this case you don’t need to grant us your details. 

Browsers and cookies

Our page is best viewed with Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0+ or Mozilla Firefox browsers.

Cookie is an information package, which is sent by the homepage (server) to the user’s browser, and is stored on the local computer. This way the homepage is able to connect the actual request with the preceding ones: it is most frequently used to identify registered users and register the “shopping cart”. For shopping, the cookies must be enabled. Please, enable the use of the cookies. Your machine’s IP address will be recorded! In case you don’t wish to enable cookies, you can disable it in your browser settings. In this case certain elements of our services will not or just partly be available. Cookies don’t store personal data.The function of cookies is exclusively to facilitate the authentication of the users (e.g. logging in, pages viewed). Contents that are connected to registration may be viewed only from computers that accept cookies, due to technological reasons. The validity of the cookies lasts at most until the closing of the browser.


Users can click away from makeuplaza.com webpage to another webpages. Make Up Plaza Ltd. is not responsible for the contents of these external links, or the changes and updates made on these pages and are not supervised by Make Up Plaza Ltd. Jumping onto these websites the User gets onto websites maintained by other service providers which are edited by third-party and their contents are not known by the maintainers of makeuplaza.com. In this case the maintainers of makeuplaza.com have no influence on the handling of personal data and have no responsibility regarding related webpages. The purpose of the links to the third-party internet pages is to ease orientation and serves only comfort functions, but this doesn’t mean that the author is identified with the content of the certain webpage, thus Make Up Plaza Ltd. makeuplaza.com cannot be identified with any of the statements on these webpages. Make Up Plaza Ltd. is not responsible for the contraventions of law and the harms caused by those on these webpages. When viewing these related websites, the Terms of Condition by this website’s owner is the authoritative.


By register and placing an order, the Customer/User acknowledges and accepts the shopping-, delivery-, paying-, and the license agreement and all the agreements contained in these rules. 

Effective period of the GTC:
Present General Terms and Conditions is effective until it will be annulled by the management of Make Up Plaza Ltd.

Territorial effect of the GTC:
Present General Terms and Conditions is effective exclusively for the territory of Hungary. Other conditions refer to services provided outside the borders of Hungary.


In accordance with the edict of 45/2014. (II. 26.) you can desist from purchasing without explanation.

Only individuals (natural persons) are classified as consumers based on the Civil Code and Government Decree 45/2014. (II.26.). Consumer rights (that is also the right of cancellation without reasoning) are due in the case of internet purchases only to consumers.

We do not undertake any liability for damages that arise because of the improper use, storage, cleaning or delivery of the products.

A Consumer may enforce its right to cancel the purchase if he had taken over what he has ordered. The Consumer may cancel the purchase verbally, through phone or through the post in writing, or through an electronic mail without any reason within 14 that is fourteen days after it has taken over the goods.
In this case Make Up Plaza Ltd., immediately or at the latest in 14 days, is liable to refund the amount of money paid by the customer to the bank account or as discussed. The refunding and the costs are on the Seller. If the delivery of the product to the Customer was not free then the Seller refunds the delivery cost as well to the Customer. The Customer has to pay only for returning the product to the Seller, there are no other costs.

The Seller can demand refunding from the Customer in case there is damage to the product due to out of normal use.  The returned product will be examined when received. Consumer is liable for and has to refund to Seller the product’s impairment that is due to use exceeding trial beyond the level that is needed for establishing the properties and the operation of the product.

In case of written desist, it is sufficient for the Customer to send the Desist Statement in 14, ie. Eight working days to the Seller. In case of postal desist the posting date is taken into consideration.

E-mail address: info@makeuplaza.hu
Postal Address: H-2483 Gárdony, Velencei-tó city, Szabadság street 16.
Phone Number: 00 36 20 94 66 118

Please send us either by post or electronically a bank account number (name and account number), where we may transfer back the price of the product. We will transfer back the price of the product after receiving the returned product. You can create the desist declaration freely we have no specific form for this. You can send us the original invoice or its photocopy by post or the scanned form in electronic way. 

We recommend you to send the product as a registered parcel, with value registration to our address, packed with the greatest safety, and to place the cancellation statement also into the parcel (or send the statement by email). 

Please, do not send to us the product when returning it with cash on delivery or return receipt, because we are not in position to take over the parcels sent this way. We recommend you to return the product as a registered, a value registered parcel. The entire cost of returning has to be covered by Buyer. Opening the parcel after the arrival of the returned parcel is recorded by video camera, and the returned product is examined. If the product is damaged during returning, we will have a report recorded by the deliveryman about the damage and subsequently the compensation has to be settled by the sender with the transport company. Therefore, we recommend that the product to be returned should be posted with value registration.
The brief introduction of the cancellation right is included in the invoice as well. In the lack of present information, consumer is entitled to exercise the cancellation right during the passing of 12 months.

Consumer may not exercise his cancellation right in the following cases:

- When a product is sold that is tied to the person of consumer or which have been produced on the basis of the instructions of the consumer, or upon his express request.
- When a product is sold, the price of which depends on the fluctuation of the money market, which is beyond the control of the seller.
- If Consumer opened and/or tried the product.

The right to desist when purchased cosmetics and hygienic products:

The Customer has no right to desist from purchasing if he/she unpacked the product package or used the product. At receiving, please check if the package is undamaged before the postman. We refund the purchasing cost only if the package is not unpacked, used and the product is complete.  When receiving the parcel, please check the integrity of the parcel – if possible in front of the deliveryman – and if you notice any damage or any abnormality, you have to go to the locally competent post office, where you have to ask the recording of a report. More detailed information about this is available HERE. If you have any problem, please indicate it to us, in order to allow us to help you and solve the issue in a flexible manner.

The cosmetics products in the contract are import products, thus the prices could depend on money-market fluctuations on which Make Up Plaza Ltd. has no influence on.

In case of defective fulfillment:
For this, you have to return to us the product you wish to have replaced. The cost of returning will be paid by us. Please do not send the product back to us before discussing with us the way of returning it and the related administration procedure! We will send you the other product only when the product to be replaced will have arrived to us. Thank you for your kind understanding and co-operation.

In case of defective product:
We replace a purchased product only if those are proven defective. If the ordered product is proven defective we exchange it for free. If we are not able to replace the product, the Customer can choose if he/she wishes to receive discount on the defective product, or can choose another product taking the value into consideration, or can desist from purchasing.

In the case of allergic reactions caused by cosmetic products:
If allergic skin reaction caused by a cosmetic product occurs, you should stop using the product. The allergic reaction caused by the product is not due to the defect of the product. Do not use our cosmetic products over injured skin surfaces, on open wounds, do not eat them, do not swallow them, do not let them get into contact with the eyes, except if this is the method of its specific application.

Complaint caused by delivery failures:
Make Up Plaza Ltd. packs the products in perfect condition with extreme care and checks the product’s safety before posting it. Upon delivery, open it and if possible – if it can be solved – inspect it in front of the deliveryman. We draw your kind attention to the fact that the deliveryman cannot be obliged to wait until you open and check the parcel. If the delivered good has been damaged, you have to go to the post office (or to a MOL petrol station, a PickPackPont) and request the recording of a report. Always check if the package and the containing product are undamaged after receiving it. After receiving the package, unpack it and check if it is undamaged before the postman. The postman must wait for you to unpack and check the product. If the delivered product is defective, ask for the delivery record and don’t take over the package. We are taking complaints only if this record exists. We are unable to replace any product if there is no record of your complaint. If you have any problem with this, contact us, we are willing to try to solve the inconvenience. Our purpose is for the customers to be happy with our services and products. Our saying is “We seek the solution, not the excuse.”

BY CLICKING HERE you may read the details of the exact administration process of having a report recorded at the post. Please observe the above administration process exactly, in order to allow us to solve your problem quickly. Thank you for your kind co-operation.

The laws and information regarding consumer protection are available on the homepage of the National Consumer Protection Supervision (www.nfh.hu). In issues not regulated here, the Civil Code and the rules of the edict 45/2014. (II. 26.) are the authoritative.

In lack of present information the Consumer can desist from the purchase for three months.


A free gift may be selected (depending on the goods on stock) in the course of ordering (GIFT MENU ITEM) above a defined amount of the purchase. The gift is a part of the order, therefore, if Customer accepts the gift that is offered in the course of ordering (or one of the gifts), it automatically agrees to return the gift in an untried and unused condition in case its order is cancelled. Customer with the enforcement of its right to cancel the purchase will not be entitled to keep the gift.

- if the final amount exceeds even without the returned good the amount that is needed for getting the gift
- if Customer asks that the returned good be replaced with another product, together with which the final amount reaches the amount that entitles it to request the gift
- if Customer asks the replacement of the product to be returned
- Customer may decide that it wishes to keep the gift. In this case we will charge the amount of the gift and it will be deducted from the amount to be returned.

We will not refund to Customer damages that may occur in the course of the delivery of the gift.

Modifying the terms of usage

Make Up Plaza Ltd, the maintainer of makeuplaza.com reserves the right to modify the present terms of use and the terms of purchasing without particular explanation and notifications. The customer can always look into the actual terms from this part of the site and the other menus, which terms are effective from the date of publishing.

In case of change in price the prices of the ordered products are the ones the date when ordered, that price will be billed. We reserve the right of changing prices!

The maintainer of makeuplaza.com reserves the right to change anything on every single of its websites.


Our offers contain exclusively the products of reliable manufacturers. We inspect the products repeatedly prior to dispatching them, in order to provide for our Customers faultless products in excellent condition. However, in spite of the greatest care, it may happen that our Customer will be unsatisfied with the product received due to some reason. Make Up Plaza does all it can for managing the customer complaints in the most flexible manner possible and in line with the relevant laws.

As regards the warranty and guarantee liability of the seller, the contents of the Civil Code (hereinafter referred to as: the Civil Code) and of Government Decree 151/2003 (IX.22.) and Regulation 19/2014. (IV. 29.) NGM have to be applied.

Information on warranty and guarantee:

The signing of the contract has to be considered proven, if the certificate certifying the payment of the price – the invoice or receipt issued on the basis of the VAT Act – is presented by the Consumer. The Consumer has to prove the signing of the contract at the time, when Consumer wishes to enforce its warranty demand.

1. Implied warranty
- In what cases may you enforce your implied warranty rights?
You may enforce an implied warranty demand against the enterprise according to the rules of the Civil Code if you get a defective product.

- What rights are due to you on the basis of your implied warranty claim?
You may enforce the following implied warranty claims according to your arbitrary choice:

1./ You may ask repair or replacement, except, if performing the claim you selected is impossible or it would involve a disproportional additional cost for the enterprise compared to performing another claim of yours. If you did not or you could not ask repair or replacement, you may claim the proportional reduction of the price or you may repair yourself or you may have the defect repaired by someone else at the cost of the enterprise or – in the ultimate case – you may even cancel the contract.

2./ You may shift from your selected implied warranty right to another one, but you will have to bear the cost of shifting, except, if it was justified or the reason for the shift was caused by the enterprise.

- Within what deadline may you enforce your implied warranty claim?
You are obliged to report the defect without delay when detecting it, but not later than within two months after detecting the defect. At the same time, we draw your attention to the fact that you may already not enforce your implied warranty rights beyond the two years lapsing period after the performance of the contract. This deadline in the case of a used item is …….., but at most one year.

- Against whom may you enforce your implied warranty claim?
You may enforce your implied warranty claim against the enterprise.

- What other conditions have to be met for enforcing you implied warranty rights?
There are no other conditions in addition to reporting the defect for enforcing your implied warranty claim within six month after performance, provided you certify that the product or service was provided by the …. enterprise. However, after the passing of six months after performance you are already obliged to prove that the defect you found existed already at the time of performance.

2. Product warranty

-When may you exercise your product warranty right?
In the case of the defect of a movable property (product) you may enforce - according to your arbitrary choice - either your right that is defined in Point 1 or a product warranty claim.

- What rights are due to you on the basis of your product warranty claim?
As a product warranty claim you may exclusively request either the repair or the replacement of the defective product.

- When is a product qualified as defective?
A product is defective if it does not meet the quality requirements that were in effect when it was marketed or if it does not have the properties that are included in the description that was issued by the manufacturer.

- Till what deadline may you enforce your product warranty claim?
You may enforce your product warranty claim within two years after the manufacturer marketed the specific product. After the passing of this deadline you will lose this right of yours.

- Against whom and under what other conditions may you enforce your product warranty claim?
You may enforce your product warranty claim exclusively against either the manufacturer of the movable property or its seller. You have to prove the defect of the product when you wish to enforce a product warranty claim.

- In which cases is the manufacturer (seller) exempted from under its product warranty obligation?
The manufacturer (seller) is exempted from under its product warranty obligation, if it can prove the following:

- it manufactured or marketed the product not in the framework of its business activity, or

- the defect according to the state-of-the-art of science and technology could not be recognised at the time when the specific product was marketed, or

- the defect of the product is due to the application of a legal provision or mandatory authority stipulation.

It is sufficient for the manufacturer (seller) to prove one reason for being exempted.

We draw your attention to the fact that you may not enforce for the same defect simultaneously both the implied warranty claim and the product warranty claim. However, after enforcing your product warranty claim successfully, you may enforce you implied warranty claim as regards the replaced product or repaired part against the manufacturer.

[If the enterprise is obliged to provide a guarantee because of a law or based on the contract, then it is necessary to insert the following Point 3 into the information material:]

3. Guarantee

- When may you enforce your implied warranty right?
In the case of defective performance, based on a contract /..., ... is obliged to provide a guarantee.

- What rights are due to you and within what deadlines based on the guarantee?

- When is the enterprise exempted from under its guarantee obligation?
The enterprise is exempted from under its guarantee obligation only if it proves that the reason of the defect occurred after performance.

We draw your attention to the fact that you may not enforce at the same time simultaneously as regards the same defect an implied warranty claim and a guarantee claim, or a product warranty claim and a guarantee claim, otherwise the guarantee rights are due to you independently of the rights that are defined in Points 1 and 2.

About warranty, in general:
The distribution of the products meets from all aspects the effective Hungarian laws. We ensure for the products sold by us all the warranties that are stipulated by the law effective at the time, when they are purchased. The warranty for non-durable products is half a year. Buyer has to examine the product received the soonest possible and to report the defect or fault found to Make Up Plaza without delay, but at the latest within 3 days after receiving it

Warranty for cosmetic, hygienic products:
The usability of these products varies one-by-one and it also depends on the time when they are produced. Their usability is indicated on the box, on the product, in the Hungarian language description or on the packing.

Warranty for bags, chairs:
In the framework of warranty seller undertakes liability for having handed over a faultless product to the buyer on the occasion of selling it, that is, the product did not have any hidden defects (e.g. manufacturing defects) that could be revealed only later on. We recommend you to inspect the product, when you receive it, because if at the time of the purchase you knew or you should have been aware of the defect, you may not enforce any warranty claims. In the case of a quality or quantity deficiency, Client has to store the product in a proper manner. Make Up Plaza Ltd. does not undertake any liability for damages that are caused by improper storage. The guarantee, warranty obligation of Make Up Plaza Ltd. will be terminated, if the client or a third person implements any change or repair on the product received, without the written consent of Make Up Plaza Ltd. Handing over the original copy of the invoice to Make Up Plaza Ltd. is a prerequisite of enforcing any warranty or guarantee claim. As regards other aspects, the effective Hungarian laws have to be applied in respect of warranties and guarantees.

A product is classified defective,
- if it does not have the properties that are stipulated by law at the time of its purchase,
- if it does not have the quality that is characteristic of products of similar types,
- if it is unsuitable for the purposes, for which products of identical type are usually used,
- if it does not have the properties that are included in the description of the product or which are characteristic of its sample,
- if it cannot be used for the purpose, which the buyer envisaged and to which the seller also agreed.

In the case of a consumer contract a warranty claim may be presented primarily within the 2-years lapsing deadline. Our liability terminates if the product is improperly used (e.g. overloaded, negligently stored), transformed, forcefully opened, carelessly handled. Moreover, it is qualified as a defect that does not belong under the guarantee, if the product was exposed to external thermal, chemical, or excessive physical impact. Warranty does not cover natural wear, damages that occurred after the purchase (breakage, e.g. when travelling by airplane, bus, etc.). In these cases, we recommend you to ask that a damage report be recorded at the competent company.

Repair, replacement:
It is possible to enforce the warranty only if in addition to the complaint product the Purchaser presents the certificate that certifies the payment of its price (invoice). Subsequently the complaint product will be examined. If it is proven that the defect originates from a manufacturing mistake (and not from the previously mentioned external impacts), the cost of repair/replacement will burden the seller. We draw your kind attention to the fact that our department store operates as a webshop, therefore, we are able to provide replacement only if the replacement product is available to us.

Repair, replacement of non-cosmetic products:
The rights that may be enforced by the Consumer in the case of a defective product have a tied order of enforcement, that is, it is not possible to deviate from the contents and order of their enforceability of the warranty rights:

1./ The consumer on the first occasion may ask repair or replacement. If none of these is possible or the company does not undertake their performance, the consumer may demand the returning of the purchase price.

1.1/ The consumer may choose from repair or replacement, however, he cannot choose the option that would mean for the enterprise a disproportional additional cost. This means, if the repair cost of a bag is HUF 6000-6500 and the bag itself costs HUF 60,000, the enterprise may insist on repair against replacement.

Consumer rights:

  • The consumer may request having the defect repaired
  • the reduction of the purchase price
  • the replacement of the defective product.

(A minutes will be prepared on the complaint, and a worksheet will be prepared on the repair.)

Guarantee in the case of cosmetic products:
The Civil Code and the legal provisions of Government Decree 151/2003. (IX.22.) apply to cosmetic and hygienic products. Guarantee refers to only some durable products.

Guarantee in the case of durable goods (chairs, electric mobile studios):
The consumer has to inform seller about his complaint within the shortest time allowed by the circumstances, after detecting the defect. According to Regulation 19/2014. (IV. 29.) NGM on the management of warranty and guarantee claims enforced in the framework of consumer contracts, the seller has to make efforts to carry out the repair or replacement at most within fifteen days. The duration of the guarantee is 12 months. According to the classification the make-up bag is not a durable product.

In the case of defective performance (in the case of a defective product):
If you have not received the product you ordered or if the product is provenly defective, please report it without delay either on phone or in letter, and we will replace it free of charge. In view of the fact that we are a webshop, at the time of reporting not all the products will be in our stock, and we are not always able to replace the product.

In the case of defective performance, you may request the following:
1.) replacement,
2.) price reduction,
3.) to exercise the right of cancelling the purchase,
4.) replacement with value conciliation.

If we have the product in our warehouse, we will replace it, and we will dispatch it the working day that follows when we receive the product that is to be replaced. If we do not have the product in our warehouse, the Customer may decide whether he will sustain his order and wait until the product will arrive and we will replace it, or we will refund a part of the total purchase price, or with price-value conciliation he may request its replacement with another type of product, or he may cancel the purchase. The warehouse stock is established after the processing of the orders of the given day. There are certain products that may not be ordered subsequently, which – therefore – cannot be provided as replacement.

In the case of a defective products we only replace the products purchased, if their defects are proven.

The warranty demand may be enforced in the case of devaluated products as well. It is possible to submit a quality complaint in their case as well, provided the seller did not indicate the reason of devaluation. You may view the legal provisions and regulations that are connected to consumer protection by CLICKING HERE.

Defects caused by transport: Make Up Plaza Ltd. packs its faultless products with the greatest care possible, and it checks the intactness of the products prior to dispatching them. Before accepting the package, please check in each case the intactness of the package and of the product that is within it. If it can be solved you should do this in front of the transporter, however the transporter cannot be required to wait until you open the package. If the delivered product is damaged, you have to request the recording of a report concerning the damage the next working day at the locally competent post office. We are able to accept complaints only in this case. Without a report we are not in a position to replace the product and to accept any complaints. You may read the procedure of recording a report by clicking HERE, ,and please observe this procedure accurately in order to have a fast solution.

Product replacement:
If the product is not defective, but the replacement of the product is requested because of colour or other non-compliance, you may request the replacement with value conciliation at any time through phone or through a written request. We will answer your reporting in writing in email. Subsequently please return the product to be replaced to us together with its papers, safely packed (as we have sent it). The costs of transporting to us and of the repeated delivery have to be borne by the Customer. We are not in a position to accept products returned with cash on delivery. Due to hygienic reasons we replace a product only if it is returned to us without having been opened, in an intact condition, in its original packing, without any deficiencies, together with the document that was in the packing. After receiving the returned product, we will make a video recording of opening it. If the product is returned in a damaged condition and it was not insured, unfortunately we will be not in a position to replace it.

A makeuplaza.com webshop is exempted from under warranty liability based on the Civil Code:
The webshop may also offer products having smaller defects for sale (e.g. aesthetic defect, defect caused by transport, smaller manufacturing defects, etc.) in the framework of actions and/or devaluation. The Customer is always accurately informed about the defects in each case prior to its being ordered. You may find the accurate description of the defect at the description of the product, next to the photo of the product, in the webshop. After getting acquainted fully with the defect, Buyer has to acknowledge that it is aware of the defect and he has to accept it when submitting the order. We are not in a position to replace products that are returned, because of the known defects.

Complaint management:
You may report to us your complaint either in writing or verbally. Our contact data are included under the "Contact" menu item. Upon reporting we will judge the complaint of the purchaser, and we will record a report on his complaint in which we will include the following:

  • the name and the address of the Consumer,
  • the name and the purchase price of the product,
  • the time of the purchase,
  • the time, when the defect was reported,
  • the description of the defect,
  • the claim the Consumer wishes to enforce,
  • the method of complaint settlement.

If we are unable to issue a statement on the performability of the request of the Consumer at the time of reporting, we will notify the Consumer about our standpoint within three working days at the latest.

We draw your attention to the following. If the standpoint of Make Up Plaza Ltd is unacceptable for you, you may turn to the following organisations against our decision, depending on the type of your complaint:

In the case of a dispute, we recommend you to turn to the Reconciliation Body of Székesfehérvár (8000 Székesfehérvár, Hosszúséta tér), and if no agreement is reached with their contribution, we recommend you to turn to the Court of Székesfehérvár.

You may report your guarantee and warranty related claims to us at the phone number of the client service included under the “Contact” menu item, or in electronic mail, and even through a letter sent by post.

Government Decree 151/2003. (IX. 22.) and Regulation 19/2014. (IV. 29.) NGM have to be applied as regards the warranty and guaranty liability of Seller. You may find information on warranties and guarantees on website www.nfh.hu of the Hungarian Authority for Consumer Protection.

You may turn with your complaint to the following organisation:

Fejér Megyei Kormányhivatal Fogyasztóvédelmi Felügyelőség
Address: 8000 Székesfehérvár, Piac tér 12-14.
Mailing address: 8050 Székesfehérvár, Pf. 936
Phone: +36 22 501 751, +36 22 501 626,
Fax: +36 22 501 627
Email: fogyved_kdf_szekesfehervar@nfh.hu


Buyer will have to cover all the costs that will arise in connection with the right enforcement if it breaches the contract.


In issues left out from the Terms of Usage, the authoritative is the regulations of the Hungarian Law, the Civil Code, the edict 45/2014. (II. 26.) about the contract between the Absents and the 2001. CVIII. law about  Electronic commercial services and services contiguous with the information society. The invalidated or invalid regulations have no effect on the other regulations. The pictures and the product information are only informative.

The Court of Budapest has jurisdiction for enforcing claims arising from the contract concluded with Make Up Plaza Ltd, depending on the value limit. 

You accept the terms of Make Up Plaza Ltd. by browsing the web shop’s site and by placing an order.  For a full-scope of information please read the rest of the menus as well.

We reserve the right to change on every page of www.makeuplaza.com